You definitely excel in keeping everyone challenged week after week. Never gets easy or comfortable.
Albina is the absolute best instructor ever! Her classes are always challenging, and she never repeats the same routine twice. During class, Albina is super motivating, and she has a really great energy that makes you want get through your cardio set or hold your plank. If you're looking for a good workout, BBB is it 🙂
Albina! Honestly your workouts are so effective! They are better than any other workouts I've done before 🙂
Albina’s class is always high energy, super motivating and focused core strengthening and total body training. You will be hooked after taking her BodyByBina workout!
Albina always brings the positive energy and vibes to her classes. Since training with her I have felt stronger and more flexible and my happiness levels have increased. I feel so #blessed to have found her.
I would not be in the same state of mind or the same shape without your classes.