Are you interested in HIIT WORKOUTS? In the words of the iconic Elle Woods (who was definitely the epitome of…

    by Albina
  • Don’t Give up on Exercising with This Pregnancy Workout Plan

    If you’re embarking on the beautiful journey of pregnancy or preparing for it, maintaining a pregnancy workout routine can be…

    by Albina
  • New Year, New You: the Best Ways to Start Working Out

    With the new year, lots of people make the resolution to be more active or start exercising regularly. To truly…

    by Albina
  • Training on Motivation: How to Make the Time to Exercise

    On Motivation Whenever I am faced with tasks I may not initially want to tackle, I adopt the mindset of…

    by Albina
  • Mindfulness in Motion: Pilates Principles Meet Daily Life

    “How you do one thing is how you do everything” I reflect on this statement frequently in my daily life,…

    by Albina
  • 30-minute Pilates Workout, No Equipment Required

    Hey there, Pilates enthusiasts! Whether you’ve joined me for a BodyByBina session, live or on-demand, or you’re just a Pilates…

    by Albina
  • Nourish your soul with these tips to feel better inside and out

    What is Soul Care? Soul care is the process of learning how to connect with yourself on a deeper level…

    by Albina
  • Exercises to do from Home… when you just don’t feel like doing anything

    Well, hello there  👋 Can someone tell me how it is the end of the OCTOBER already? I swear, ever…

    by Albina
  • Women’s Fitness = Empowerment Fitness

    We don’t have to wait until March to talk about women’s empowerment! Before we even start, if you’re wondering what…

    by Albina